Thursday, February 11, 2010

Q: How does one experience ridiculousness?

A: The answer to this question is provided in the below email from Red to the rest of The Squirrels - highlighting Cat Woman's ridiculousness last Friday night. To note CW had joined a friend at happy hour at 4:30PM and was wasted-face by 7:30PM on her stumble back to her car.


Time Stamp: 7:55PM

Soooooooooooo Cat Woman (CW) is definitely a drunk ass right now.

CW, raise your hand if you failed to have dinner and proceed to have two glasses of wine and two shots.

CW, raise your hand if you locked yourself out of the garage where your car is... that's right.

CW, raise your hand if you almost had to call your co-worker/work husband to bail you out of the building because your drunk ass left the security card IN YOUR CAR.

CW, raise your hand if you had to pass out in your car because you were too hammered to drive home and couldn't stop hiccuping while describing your situation.

CW, don't you have a BIKE RIDE tomorrow morning?

And this ladies, is my ode to CW as she passes out in the garage of her building to sleep off hiccups and drunkess.

The. End.


(The rest of CW's night went like this. After managing to get into the building to access her car, CW got into the driver's seat to fall asleep. Drunken paranoia set in when CW thought a cop would walk by (in a sealed parking garage) and give her a DUI if he found her passed out in the front seat. CW then proceeded to drunkenly fling herself into the back seat where she took off her jacket to cover her face (for security reasons - don't need it obvious a single female is passed out in a sealed parking garage) and set her phone's alarm for 1 hour. Three and a half hours later, CW woke up naturally confused beyond belief. The three cars that were parked around her car were now gone and the clock was saying it was 11PM. CW's drunken ass had slept ON the phone and therefore her ass had blocked the ringing which would have woken her up. CW proceeded to crawl back into the front seat and drive her ass home where she consumed a bowl of oatmeal in bed before passing out shortly afterward. Classy.)

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