Thursday, February 11, 2010

Q: How does one look sketchy even for Canada's standards?

A: Walk across the border carrying the items for the best night ever - suitcase, Grey Goose and Apples to Apples card game.

The story below is courtesy of CW. She makes anything look classy.

For NYE CW decided to go up to Whistler, BC with some friends. Everything was going great until Canadian Border Patrol stopped the sweet and innocent carload of twenty-something Americans at the border. Border Patrol detained CW and company together for 2+ hours while all Americans were separately questioned (AWESOME).

By the end of the fun guess the right answer game, the CW's crew finds out one of their friends is the main reason they've been detained. Apparently in Canada a DUI or reckless driving offense is considered a felony and Canada does not allow foreigners with this record into the country for at least 5 years (AWESOME).

CW and company were escorted back across the border to the US and then detained by US customs for another hour (without their phones this time) while all were "booked" essentially for being rejected from Canada (AWESOME).

CW was not about to miss her first time in Whistler. After confirming a couple friends would be there on the other side, CW grabbed her suitcase, Grey Goose and game of Apples to Apples and started for the border - ON FOOT.
The agents at the border intesnely questioned CW for several minutes trying to figure out WHY she was WALKING across the border instead of driving (AWESOME).

Finally, CW was allowed to take her suitcase, Grey Goose and Apples to Apples into Canada. Just one slight problem - it would take a few days to walk to Whistler from the border. Luckily for her, CW had locked down a ride with some friends up in Vancouver and New Year's Eve was not lost - just delayed...

1 comment:

  1. Good story, for yoU!!! for us, it got even better after this, including 3 more 2+ hour detainments. good times :)
